When Salt Lake City Calls

October 25, 2007

Is there a conflict between Mormonism and the public trust?

Filed under: New Book — Rocky Hulse @ 10:32 pm

     The old cliché, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” is certainly applicable to this work.  In today’s “politically correct” world, resist the temptation to dismiss this book offhand as the author’s bigoted sentiments because he doesn’t like a particular Mormon candidate for office. Nothing could be further from the truth. This book will present documented evidence that most Americans are simply unaware of. Presenting documented evidence to educate people about the beliefs and teachings of a religion does not make one a bigot, nor does it make one a persecutor of those holding to the views the evidence elucidates. It simply makes me a reporter of the information and allows you as the reader to judge it as you will.

     The idea of a conflict existing between a Mormon’s responsibilities in an elected, or appointed, public office and their religious beliefs is not a whimsical contrivance by the author. The conflict does exist. Absolute obedience to the Mormon Priesthood, and the belief that Mormon leaders are “prophets, seers, and revelators,” who are God’s living oracles on earth and take precedence over everything else, is the foundation from which Mormonism springs. These foundational beliefs of Mormonism are alive and well today and are part and parcel of the faith, and are in direct conflict with Mormon politicians and government officials being independent and not under the absolute control of a religious hierarchy. The evidence for this conflict will be presented in this book.

      Leave the “I heard,” or the “I was told,” myths at the water cooler. What are the facts?

“When Salt Lake City Calls” by Rocky Hulse

Filed under: Chapter #,Nauvoo,New Book — Rocky Hulse @ 4:55 pm


NEW BOOK FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                  Contact:  Rocky Hulse                                                                                                                                      rocky@mormonoutreach.org

Is the Mormon Church the Ultimate Lobbyist?

Author examines trustworthiness of Mormons in public office

LONGWOOD, FLToday, Mitt Romney’s bid for the presidency has everybody asking the following questions: Can Americans trust Mormons in public office? Is the Mormon Church the ultimate lobbyist? Could a Mormon who holds a governmental position of authority be forced by their religious beliefs to make a decision contrary to all logic, reason, facts, or evidence? Do Mormons swear allegiance to their church, its prophets and apostles, their living oracles, and the priesthood power they hold? Author Rocky Hulse’s When Salt Lake City Calls: Is There a Conflict Between Mormonism and the Public Trust? (paperback, 978-1-60477-220-3; hardcover, 978-1-60477-221-0) answers these questions and more. “Every year is an election year for public officials around the country,” says Hulse. “Every day appointments are made to fill important governmental positions of authority from the local to the federal level. Can we, the American public, feel confident that our elected or appointed government officials of the Mormon faith will act in the best interest of those they are elected or appointed to represent, or are they in bondage to fulfill the interest of their ‘church’ over the people they serve?” Hulse, a retired Navy veteran, was a Mormon for 31 years before having his beliefs challenged by his born-again wife, Helen. In 1986 he was saved, as he came to realize the Mormon Church’s claim that it was the “only true and living church on the face of the whole earth” was inherently false. He now devotes his time to educating others about the truth of the Mormon Church.

Order online at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/When-Salt-Lake-City-Calls/dp/1604772204

“When Salt Lake City Calls” by Rocky Hulse

International Standard Book Number (ISBN):

Paperback 978-1-60477-220-3

Hardcover 978-1-60477-0

For a copy signed by the author Rocky Hulse contact:


$25.00 Paperback

$35.00 Hardcover




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